SAA - Islamic World News

Sunday 3 November 2019 - 23:59

Images: More Syrian Army Forces Deployed Near the Ras al-Ayn

ISWNews Analysis Group: Contrary to news that Syrian Army forces had withdrawn from the Tal Abu Rasin area east of Ras al-Ayn, new forces and equipment including several battle tanks, BMPs, Gvozdika self-propelled 122 mm howitzer, Grad rocket launchers, etc. were deployed on the outskirts of Ras al-Ain, in particular the Tal Abu Rasin and Um Harmal area.

Thursday 17 October 2019 - 12:54

Syrian Army in Vicinity of Raqqah City

ISWNews Analysis Group: According to latest information, Syrian army forces are near Raqqah city and have not officially entered the town yet.

Wednesday 16 October 2019 - 18:04

Syrian Army inside the Ayn al-Arab!

ISWNews Analysis Group: Tonight, the Syrian Army forces entered the border city of Ayn al-Arab(Kobani) in northeast Aleppo province.

Friday 16 August 2019 - 21:02

Map: SAA liberated Abedin in southern Idlib

ISWNews Analysis Group: Following the Syrian Army and Tiger Forces military operation in southern Idlib province, the village of Abedin and its surrounding farms was liberated.