Opinion - Islamic World News

Thursday 22 February 2018 - 07:30

Are AnsarAllah’s Missiles Made in Iran?

In early days of Saudi Alliance attack to Yemen, brigadier general Ahmad al Asiri (the alliance spokesperson), declares that Yemeni missile bases and arsenals are destroyed by their fighter but …

Saturday 30 December 2017 - 17:57

What is happening in Iran?

Yesterday, rallies in different cities in Iran protesting high prices and unemployment situation for the second day happens and has a widespread feedback in media all over the world. International reactions to these rallies from the White House to different media which is noteworthy.

Thursday 19 October 2017 - 18:11

A look of the Kurdistan Democratic Party media game on making tensions between Kurds, Hashd al-Shabi and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards

In recent days, KDP affiliated media have claimed in widespread and false propaganda that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and general Soleimani have a major role in making the Iraqi government and Hashd al-Shabi(PMU) attack Kirkuk. While the intensive meetings and ongoing consultations of general Soleimani and other Iranian representatives with the authorities of all parties […]