Turkey - Islamic World News

Friday 1 May 2020 - 14:27

Opinion: What is Turkey seeking in Libya?

After the Col. Muammar Gaddafi overthrow in 2011 in Libya, that ended his more than 40-years governing, this country entered to a new stage of political and military actions. The actions that continue so far and have turned Libya into regional and trans-regional powers presence square. These clashes still continue, despite the numerous changing of […]

Sunday 26 April 2020 - 14:45

Opinion: Investigation of the latest military-security situation in Idlib

Following liberation of Damascus-Aleppo highway (M5) from terrorists by Syrian army in the fifth step of operation in Idlib province under aerial support of Russians and ground help of resistance forces, the Syrian army moved toward M4 highway. This increased the front line with Turkish forces and Turks lobbying with Russia made an opportunity for a ceasefire. This article addresses the latest situation in Idlib province.

Wednesday 15 April 2020 - 17:15

North of Iraq bombardment by Turkish aircraft

ISWNews Analysis Group: Hours ago, Turkish aircraft bombed the mountains of the Varte and Rawanduz in northeast of Erbil several times. These attacks are done while the mentioned regions had been targeted by Turkish army also in the last night

Thursday 12 March 2020 - 22:22

Explosion in the northwest of Hasakah

ISWNews Analysis Group: A suicide car blast in the village of Tal Halaf in the west of Ras al-Ain has killed two Turkish soldiers and three TFSA forces and injured eight others.