Yemen - Islamic World News

Saturday 15 January 2022 - 18:33

Tribes of Abdiyah rushed to the aid of Ansar Allah

ISWNews Analysis Group: Following the announcement of the general mobilization by the elders of the Marib tribes to strengthen the fronts of the provinces of Shabwa and Marib, the tribes of the Al-Abdiyah district went to the aid of Ansar Allah.

Thursday 13 January 2022 - 19:17

Latest Updates on Yemen, 13 January 2022

ISWNews Analysis Group: The heavy attacks of the Saudi-led forces to the north of the town of Harib and the heights of the Ain district were repulsed by Ansar Allah.

Monday 10 January 2022 - 10:16

Saudi Coalition: Al-Hudaydah is the gateway for Iranian missiles to enter Yemen!

At a news conference, Brigadier General Turki al-Maliki, a spokesman for the Saudi coalition, provided statistics and information on Ansar Allah attacks on the Saudi coalition, claiming Iran’s widespread support and participation in the Yemeni war. But the publication of a fake video of Al-Hudaydah practically questioned the whole conference!

Friday 7 January 2022 - 21:01

Latest updates on Shabwa front, 7 January 2022

ISWNews Analysis Group: Following clashes between Ansar Allah and the Saudi-led forces in the western part of Shabwa province, Ansar Allah withdrew from the Bayhan district center.