Yemen Map - Islamic World News

Thursday 30 April 2020 - 20:29

Audience Question: Did Ansar Allah Liberated 95% of al-Jawf?

Question:Hello, i have some questions about Yemen.First of all, what do you think about General Yahya Sari’s statement that 95% of al-Jawf province has been liberated?Because according to your maps 95% of al-Jawf is not liberated and it is being said that Ansar Allah through al-jawf to Rub’ al Khali and then by connecting themselves […]

Thursday 30 April 2020 - 01:17

Map: Ansar Allah operation end in al-Jawf province

ISWNews Analysis Group: General Yahya al-Sari, Yemeni Armed Forces spokesperson, reported of Ansar Allah operation end in al Jawf province with liberation of more than 3000 km2 in the area.

Monday 20 April 2020 - 20:51

Map: Ansar Allah heavy attacks on Maas base

ISWNews Analysis Group: Ansar Allah forces have attacked on Saudi coalition positions in the Maas base area and Wadi Maas, after liberating the al-Jufra base from two directions of east and north.